Black Box Tool

Like the Dashboard tool, the Black Box tool enables you to review detailed system data for a specific point in time. The Black Box tool includes a Graph section in which you can select a time point on the graph. Then you can review detailed data that SysTrack collected at that focus time.

To keep the database at a manageable size, detailed data is retained for only 30 days.

TIP: If you are using Resolve's Graphing tool (under Advanced Tools), you can double-click any data point on its graph to open the Black Box tool.

The following steps describe one way you can use the Black Box as a diagnostic tool when a user calls the help desk to report an issue:

  1. In the Time Window section, set the graph's range of time to match the time frame of the reported issue.
  2. Review the graph for any issues, such as Faults or Sensors milestones. Hover over a milestone to see its details.
  3. Select the specific point in time (the focus time) for which you would like to review detailed data. To do this, click on a specific graph data point or manually change the focus time.

NOTE: You can set the focus time anywhere from 2 days to 3 years. The longer the focus time means less fidelity. The default values are High for 2 days (records every 15s), Medium for 30 days (records every 10 minutes), and Low for 3 years (records every 2 hours).

  1. In the System Data sections, select the categories of data you want to review for the selected focus time.
  2. From some categories, you can add additional data series to the graph that might be helpful in your diagnosis. For example, you might want to add a data series to the graph that has a value highlighted with a red square (indicating a critical level for the metric) or a yellow triangle (indicating a warning level).
  3. Use the Advanced Controls section to configure how the data series or milestones appear on the graph. For example, you can apply a statistical function to a data series, or you can change the units for the data.

The following sections provide more details about the Black Box tool's sections and how to use them.

Graph Section

The Black Box tool's Graph section displays data for the time window that you configured in the Time Window section.

The graph includes the following set of default milestones and data series:

  • App Focus
  • % Total CPU
  • Faults
  • Sensors

Hover over a data point, such as a Sensor milestone, to see its details for the specified date and time.

For some categories, you can choose metrics to add to the graph as a data series. Resolve then overlays multiple graphs so that you can easily view and compare related concerns.

NOTE: The alarm milestones (and corresponding details) are color coded. Sensors are always the red diamonds, alarms are always the purple diamonds no matter the level. The screenshot below shows red and yellow in the grid only.

Advanced Controls Section

The Advanced Controls section gives you many controls and options for complex configurations of your Black Box graph. The controls are explained in the following sections.

Remove Controls

In the Remove column, click a Remove control to remove that data series from the graph and from the Advanced Controls section.

Show Controls

In the Show column, check or uncheck a check box to show or hide that data series on the graph without removing it from the Advanced Controls section.

Front Controls

In the Front column, click a Front control to bring that data series to the front on the graph. This control is especially useful when series data points are overlaying each other on the graph.

Style Controls

In the Style column, select an option from the list box to change how a series is presented on the graph. For example, you could change the Style selection for a series from Line to Point to see the data points displayed as individual points rather than as a line. The list box includes many options, such as Spline and Bubble. When you have multiple series on the graph, the list of Style options is specific to the default style of the series being changed, not with the first series in the graph.

Statistics Controls

In the Statistics column, select an option from the list box to add a copy of the series to the graph with your selected statistical function applied. For example, if you select Average for a series, a copy of that series appears on the graph as an Average.

Weight Controls

In the Weight column, you can use the slider to select the weight factor in a range from 1 percent to 100 percent. The weight value is a value used as a factor in select statistical calculations. You can change the weight for the following statistical calculations: Bollinger, Exponential Moving Average, Modified Moving Average, Simple Moving Average, Weighted Moving Average, Momentum, Momentum Division, and Power. The value that the weight modifies varies based on the statistical calculation you select. For most calculations, it scales the count of points in the data set to be graphed and uses the scaled value as the factor in the statical calculation.

YAxis Controls

In the YAxis column, you can control the axis position on which the Y data of the series is charted. When you select Primary, the scale on the left side of the chart applies to the series. When you select Secondary, the scale on the right side of the chart applies to the series.

Units Controls

In the Units column, you can select the units to use for each data series. Depending on the data, you can select different units for the series. When more than one series shares a YAxis position (Primary or Secondary), the first series added to that position will determine which units are used. However, the scale will encompass the values from all series.

Color Controls

In the Color column, you can change the color for the series data on the graph. You can also use this column as a color key for the series on the graph.

Add Series

Click Add Series to open a dialog box in which you can select Systems and Milestones for a series and add it to the graph and to the Advanced Controls section. All series that you add will persist throughout your current Resolve session.

Follow these steps to add a data series to the graph:

  1. In the Advanced Controls section, click the Add Series button.

    TIP: Before you add any series, the page already displays the default milestones and data series on the graph.

    The Add Series dialog box opens.

  2. In the Add Series dialog box, select the system metrics you want to add to the graph as a data series. You can expand each metric to make more granular selections.

  3. In the Add Series dialog box, select the Milestones tab. Then select the milestones you want to add to your series.

  4. To add the series to the Black Box Graph section, click Add to Chart.

  5. To remove a series from the graph, click the Remove control in its row in the Advanced Controls table.

  6. To remove all series from the graph, click the Remove All Series button.

Remove All Series

Click Remove All Series to clear all series from the graph and from the Advanced Controls section.

Reset to Default

Click Reset to Default to reset the graph to the default selections; the defaults that display when you open Black Box. The time window will also be reset to the default. When clicked, a confirmation dialog box displays to confirm if you would like to proceed with the reset.

System Data Sections in Black Box

The Black Box tool includes two System Data sections that you can populate with two different categories of detailed data that you want to compare.

Each System Data section includes a list box so that you can select from many data categories, such as Alarms and Applications. The categories are the same as those you can select in the Dashboard tool. For full details about each category, see System Data in the Dashboard Tool.