10.11 Release Notes

This cloud-only release includes new features, bug fixes and enhancements to the product.


  • We have discontinued support for version 9.0.9 agents and On-Premises effective July 16, 2023.

  • We have discontinued support for version 10.0 agents as of October 16, 2023.

  • We will discontinue support for version 10.1 agents on February 27, 2024.

  • We will discontinue support for version 10.2 agents on April 24, 2024.

  • Microsoft has discontinued support of Windows 2012 effective October 2023 and we have ended support for all systems that are running on older versions of Microsoft Windows Server prior to and including 2012.


Sensor Management

A new centralized UI for managing sensors and their associated metadata including, visibility in Self-Help and Checklist, and variables. If you are an existing user with access to Configure, you will have access to this feature.


Webhooks can be configured as a recipient for sensor notifications. When a notification is activated, it will be sent to a webhook. Examples of how to configure webhooks for popular 3rd party systems, including ServiceNow, Slack, Teams, and Pager Duty are in the documentation portal.

SysTrack Is Now Integrated with Qualtrics ETX

  • Your SysTrack Health Scores can now be sent to Qualtrics ETX to provide a side-by-side view of Health and Experience score data as well as a combined XLA measurement that includes both Qualtrics sentiment analysis scores and health scores.

  • Survey your end users that may be experiencing issues through a new integration between Sensor Notifications and Qualtrics ETX.

Run a Tool from Sensor Notifications

In Prevent, you can run a tool from the sensor notification details page. The Tools menu appears like it does on the Sensor Details page.

System Checklist

The Compliance Checklist has been renamed to System Checklist. Administrators can control the sensors that are visible on the checklist. The default list of sensors on the checklist are: Low Disk Space, Encryption Status, Firewall Status, GPO Not Refreshed, Operating System Up-to-Date, AD Password Expiration, and Reboot Status.

Assist Consistency Updates

Updates to the Assist interface to align with the rest of the product.

Updates include:

  • The right side bar has horizontal expansion rather than vertical, so you want more screen space, you can completely collapse the sidebar.

Action Governance

You can set Configure permissions for Action Builder and Action Governance in Manage Group Features.

Beta Programs

Improvements have been made to multiple beta features in the areas of Resolve and Proactive IT.


  • When SAML users unlock configure for editing, it does not display the editing user as None. (Case 91305)

  • Prevent permissions work properly and do not show an error. (Case 91046)

  • AppVision shows correct data for the package winword.exe. (Case 90278)

  • Import of two kits works. (Case 89193)

  • Data that is output to a table populate the proper column. (Case 89487)

  • When you search, in AppVision, using the option View Entire Group for All Systems, it shows the data. (Case 89210)

  • Upgrade to SQLite agent does not create a new database. (Case 90240)

  • Assist Compliance page loads sensors.

  • The system usage Application Focus graph calculates inactive sessions and off time up to 24 hours. (Case 89949)

  • When dashboards load, the first row is automatically highlighted. (Case 89414)

  • The RulesThread converts SQL queries to sensors prior to them being run. (Case 84336)


  • Assist Health score thresholds have been updated to match the rest of the product.

  • The GDPR User Information Search dashboard has been retired and is no longer supported. The Redact User Data feature meets the requirement for GDPR and is available for both Cloud and On-prem.

  • If you import an action, you are not able to approve the same action. If you were on a release previous to 10.11, you can call Customer Service to have this activated.

  • If you are using [RE_Rules].IsHidden or [Sensors].IsHidden, they have been moved to new tables for sensor visibility.

  • If you reference RE_RuleTags, update to [SensorTags].

  • The following sensors have been assigned to new categories: Encryption Status and Firewall Status are in Security, Operating System Up-to-Date and Reboot Status are in System.

  • There are changes to the Compliance page and compliance sensors. The following Compliance sensors are removed: Disk Space Available, GPO Up-to-Date, and Password Expiration. Other sensors that were in Compliance are moved to System or Security sections. The Compliance page in Assist is renamed to System Checklist.

  • Updated the French translation for engagements.