Software Asset Optimization User Guide


This DEX Pack provides insights to analyze software based on software performance, usage, and dependencies. Faults, start up times, software package usage, and network connections are included.

You can see what software is being used, the versions that are being used, and the best versions based on performance.

On the landing page you will see:

  • Network Performance

  • Start Up Time

  • Version Performance

  • Software Portfolio Overview

Network Performance

Global Filters by Group. When you select from the drop-down it changes the information below.

Top 10 Application in use for Selected Metric are single value metrics by:

  • Connections

  • Time Used

  • Time Used per Connection (hrs)

Top 10 Applications for Selected Metric show three categories. The options are:

  • Average Bandwidth

  • Average Packets

  • Total Packets

  • Traffic (MB)

Network Summary

Every application in the customer environment is included.

You can search for the application you want information about.

Network Summary Details

System application level details of the same metrics.

Start Up Time

There is one global filter for all systems.

Start Up Time Overview is the average time that an application takes to load.

  • Slow = more than 10 seconds

  • Average = between 5 -10 seconds

  • Fast = less than 5 seconds

Application Start Up Time for every application is the time the system takes to load each application. The data is from the master data table and is already aggregated. It populates based on the graph selection.

You can search by application.

Selected Application Details is a list of systems and the load times. It populates based on the category table.

Version Performance

The global filters include:

  • A slider based on the minimum percent that can be moved to define application rank and version. It can go up to 100% for all users.

  • Group

  • Application

Application Version Distributions shows the different versions of the selected application that run on the number of users' machines.

Application Version Details shows the specifics for all the selected versions and includes the number of users, systems, performance, application rank, and fault rank.

Application rank is calculated based on CPU, memory, and desk performance. There is no time limit for the calculation because it comes from the master data and is already aggregated.

Fault rank is what the application has encountered.

You can click on the areas in the graph or within the version details to view the information in the Systems and Users table below.

You can also see the Application Fault Details based on the application and version selected.


The global filters include:

  • Group

  • Package Search

  • Application Executable

  • License Cost

The products that are being used, how many applications are included, and what it costs the organization. The license cost is in dollars.

The executables can be comma separated and up to 999 characters.

Select the Packages on the left and then choose to show the devices where the package is installed, installed and the executable has not been run, or installed and the executable has been run.

License cost is included in the Package table and it's multiplied by the number of systems. If there are 5 systems and the cost is $10, then the cost in that column is $50.

The Version Filter is by selected version or for all versions.

All Devices Where Executable Has Run is based on the packages and details that were selected and can be filtered by last run version, all versions, run time which is greater than the selected choice, and if you want to include system account applications, which are the behind the scenes applications that users do not usually see.