HyperV Management Installation Instructions

Minimum Version

This DEX Pack requires SysTrack version 10.1 or higher.


  • After this DEX Pack is installed, it may take up to 24 hours for data to appear.

Import Kit

To use this DEX Pack, the corresponding Kit must be imported to SysTrack.

If you have already imported the DEX Pack directly from the Kits page, the Import Kit step is complete. You may move on to the next step.

If you are viewing this DEX Pack in the Customer Gateway, follow these steps to import this

DEX Pack Kit:

  1. On the DEX Pack page, download the DEX Pack ZIP file

  2. In SysTrack, open Kits

  3. Under Local, click Select Kit File

  4. Select the DEX Pack ZIP File

HyperV Management Role

This DEX Pack requires you to assign the SF_HyperV Role to the relevant Configurations:

  1. Navigate to Configure > Configurations

  2. Click the padlock icon in the upper-right to enable editing

  3. Use the drop-down at the top to select a relevant Configuration, or create a new Configuration

  4. Assign SF_HyperV to the Configuration by dragging it from Available Roles to Assigned Roles

  5. Click Save Changes at the top-right

  6. Repeat this process for any other relevant Configurations

HyperV View

The HyperV - Performance dashboard requires you to make a View for the SF_HyperV.

To create the new View:

  1. Navigate to Configure > Views

  2. Click the padlock icon in the upper-right to enable editing

  3. Click the plus icon to add a new View

  4. Fill in the Settings as follows:

    1. View Name: SF_HyperVDaily

    2. Expires in: 30 Days

    3. When Expired: Append Data

    4. Do NOT check “When overdue by 1 day(s)”

    5. Set the Refresh drop-downs to Daily, Inside, 24x7, and “Every Day”

    6. Copy this SQL query, and paste it into the box under SQL Selection > Generic

    7. Click Test SQL. A Test Success message should appear. If the test is not successful, the query may have been copied incorrectly

  5. Click Create View at the top-right

To assign the new View:

  1. Navigate to Configure > Roles

  2. Use the drop-down at the top to select the SF_HyperV

  3. Confirm the SF_HyperVDaily view is checked

  4. Click Save Changes at the top-right

After this View is assigned, Screen Time data will be collected each day. It will take 30 days before the data in this Dashboard is fully populated.

Copy SF_HyperV

    ,GETUTCDATE() as [vwtime]
    ,DATEADD(D,DATEDIFF(D,0,wtime),0) as [DOTY]
    ,AVG(wdata) as [Data]
    ,t2.strvalue as [Object]
    ,t3.STRVALUE as [Counter]
from (((
    saperfdata t1
    inner join sastr t2 on t1.wobject = t2.stringid )
    inner join sastr t3 on t1.wcounter = t3.stringid )
    inner join (select strvalue,stringid from sastr where strvalue = '_Total') t4 on t1.winstance = t4.stringid )
    wtype = 1
group by